The Evaluation Process

1.1. Initial evaluation


For a systematic process of evaluation a flow chart (see Figure 1) has been developed showing the logical sequence of worksteps to be carried out.

Подпись: improvements possible? results

image373 Подпись: list of remarks Подпись: exclusion


Подпись: results ok? ^Jistof risks^)


Fig. 1. Flowchart for the evaluation system

At first boundary conditions and minimum requirements (ko-criteria) are defined. Building type, location and especially the type of use were among the various criteria to be considered for the fa? ade.

The facades to be evaluated are classified by means of a “morphological box” for variations of design parameters such as shape, orientation of windows, construction, material, properties of opaque and transparent building elements, ventilation as well as cleaning and maintenance. In total, the “morphological box” has 23 fa? ade parameters, each of which has up to six variation steps.

Following the flowchart, an initial evaluation test has to be carried out to determine whether the fa? ade under consideration fulfills the compulsary minmum requirements. A list of possible problems can be made. If all boundary conditions and ko-criteria are fulfilled, then the more detailed evaluation can start. If otherwise, the fa? ade under consideration does not meet the first conditions, even with some possible improvements, then it will be taken out of the evaluation system.