The Reasons of the Problem

The concerned problem mainly stems from lack of renewable energy policies, city-planning strategies without solar, systems regulations of municipalities and the insensitive approaches of the users. In a general way of looking the practical reasons of the problem can be summarized as; [3]

Technological and technical,

• Minority of central system applications, difficulties in multiple usage, common usage of

individual applications and natural convection systems,

• Variety and irregularities of the color, form of the storages, the collectors and the way of


• Undistinguished system components, and absence of completeness and integrity,

• widespread garage manufacturing, usage of bad quality components and poor applications

• Lack of maintenance, repair and recycle of descript systems,

• Lack of product developments that would provide opportunities for innovative application in the

consideration of climate.


• Non-consideration of solar energy as a design criteria in the building design process,

• Due to not being considered solar hot water systems as a design criteria, — despite their common

usage — absence of appropriate surfaces in suitable direction, inclination and dimension for collector areas,

• Not considering solar hot water systems as an architectural component,

• Non-integrated and enharmonic collector areas with architecture

When we approach to the problems that systems bring to the architecture and city from different point of views it appears that, separate approaches has to be taken together which are bound, accomplish and trace each other in order to achieve the desired results. In order to prevent the inconveniencies; primarily political and administrative regulations has to be constituted, the consciousness of consumers and producers has to be improved and buildings have to be designed with respect to sustainability principles.[4] It is clear that to provide a permanent solution to the problem, parallel studies has to be executed in the mentioned areas. Beside this, it is important to make the renovation of existing systems with “good quality” applications which provide the efficiency — economy — aesthetical optimization and development of innovative approaches with architectural view for system integration to the buildings.