Shadow and incident solar radiation on external surfaces

Fig.5 shows the shadow ratio on the south window of the living room (LD) in winter sunny day (February 17). The shadow ratio of the no adjacent houses Case A is 0% in the daytime. To the contrary, the shadow ratio of the adjacent houses Cases B and C were about 100% by the adjacent houses except for 14:00 from 13:00. Fig. 6 shows incident solar radiations of the south window of the living room in winter sunny day (February 17). Daily total incident solar radiations for the no adjacent Case A and adjacent Cases B and C were 38.2kWh and 7.0kWh, respectively. Daily total incident solar radiations for the adjacent Cases B and C reduced by 80% against the no adjacent Case A.

In summer, since the solar altitude is high, the south surface does not receive the shadow by adjacent houses. Fig.7 shows the shadow ratio on the west surface in summer sunny day (August 9).

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The shadow ratio of adjacent houses Cases B and C were about 100% by the adjacent houses in the afternoon. Fig.8 shows incident solar radiations of the west surfaces in summer sunny day (August 9). Daily total incident solar radiations for the no adjacent Case A and the adjacent Cases B and C were 139.6kWh and 65.6kWh, respectively. Daily total incident solar radiations for the adjacent Cases B and C reduced by 53% against the no adjacent Case A. This result is the same also for the east surface.