Indoor Daylight Conditions

The new library is constructed with high facade windows and through-going skylights which assures a high level of daylight and a good daylight distribution in the library. The aim was to obtain the high level of daylight and good daylight distribution without glare problems and at the same time reducing the internal heat load from the sun.

For this purpose the light planning software Relux Professional/Vision was used. The calculation is based on a version of Radiance that has been revised by Relux.

1.1 Skylights

For reducing the internal heat load from the sun and overcome possible glare problems the skylights have been developed with integrated constructive solar shading, as seen in figure 3.

Figure 3. Skylight with constructive solar shading (brown) as modeled in Relux. Seen from the gable of the skylight.

The depth of the constructive solar shading (fins) is 200 mm at intervals of 500 mm has been considered carefully with Relux. The advantages of the constructive solar shading are:

— Part of the skylight construction

— Permanent solar shading

— Permanent glare shading

— No mechanical parts

— No repairs and maintenance

— Contributes to an optimized daylight distribution in the library

— Gives a special ray of solar radiation into the library, see figure 10

In figure 4, a picture of the skylight as constructed on site is shown

Figure 4. Skylight with constructive solar shading (grey) as constructed, seen from the floor and up into the skylight.