Doxford Solar Office in Sunderland

Photovoltaic modules have been placed on the southern fagade, sloped at 60 degrees to the ground. Behind the PV wall, there is an inner atrium and a passage, which acts as a huge solar arcade. It is a bold example of integration of PV modules with energy saving measures according to the rules of the passive solar architecture. It comprises buffer zones combined with a massive floor, constructional walls and slabs as a thermal mass. These elements are aimed at

fig.5 combination ofPVmodules’ usage with passive solar strategy

efficient passive solar energy utilization. It is also connected with thermal comfort of the

inner environment. The massive elements moderate effects of sudden fluctuations of temperature (fig.5).

The solar arcade is lit by means of glass modules integrated with PV surface, grouped horizontally on three levels according to the floors in the office zone. The photovoltaic modules are not transparent, so visual contact with the surrounding is interrupted. There is also highly contrasting game of light and shadow inside the arcade fig® a view from the inside during sunny periods (fig.6). towards PVfacade