Best practice integration of solar heating in residential buildings

Fig. 3 Example of row houses in the Netherlands with 3 m2 solar collector per house. The rectangular collector are an esthetical improvement over the square version.(Project Boerenstreek, Soest, NL, [1])

There are a large number of examples to be found around the world of projects where special attention was given to the integration of solar heating products into buildings. Beside the technical and economical reasons there is clearly an increasing trend to consider the esthetical reasons for building integration of solar hot water systems. In this paper we give some examples of the different forms of and approaches to building integration in one family houses and in apartment buildings. The use of a small (3-4 m2) solar water heaters in a single family row house is rather common. However there are many projects with large solar roofs, where thermal solar energy is used for both domestic hot water and for space heating. This is more common in apartments with central heating system.

Fig. 4 Roof completely filled with solar collectors, Gneis-Moos, Austria [1]

Fig. 5 Student houses in Chemnitz (Germany), example of facade integration [1]

In the Northern European countries the use of solar heating systems in the facade is also rather common and useful because of the lower sun angle in the heating season. Depending on the latitude a different angle is needed. This gives the designer new ideas and possibilities for the integration of solar heating systems in the facade. For example, some systems are integrated as large awnings above the windows.

Fig. 6 Building integration in Shanghai, China [1]

Integration of solar heating systems in a

single family house is rather easy. Only a few square meters of the roof are needed for a domestic hot water system. Also in the case of space heating the roof will be large enough for the solar collectors. In the case of an apartment building the integration approach needs to be different. Depending on the amount of apartments and the floors in the building, the amount of square meters for solar hot water systems will exceed the available surface of the roof. In this case creative solutions are needed to integrate the collectors in the facade.