Future training is essential

Since 1997 the concept of the Academies has evolved, providing a growing basis of information focusing on the central aspects that impact on solar building design — including scientific and technical issues; cultural; management; climatic and regional aspects. The intention is to encourage other organisations, also tertiary education institutions, to organise similar events or to include relevant themes on solar building into their core curricula.

This process has started, for example the SAMSA 2002 inspired university lecturers in Mozambique to organize a similar course in Maputo, funded by the Italian Cooperation and promoted by ISES. The event titled “Controlo Ambiental e Energia Renovavel na Arquitectura” was held in October 2003 at the Faculty of Architecture and Physics of the University Eduardo Mondlane, and was attended by more than 100 people.

The SAMSA concept focuses on the Mediterranean basin area, but, as a large section of this area forms part of Europe, it is also closely connected with other European activities and regional training events. In 2004 three similar Academies will be organised by ISES and its partners, as a component of the EC ALTENER supported project “Teaching About

Renewable Energies in Buildings", implemented by several prominent European universities and organisations. This project is also aimed at coordinating the development of web-based downloadable teaching packages, organising the first European Master’s degree in this field and holding three further education training events, namely:

• Rome, Italy:

o Summer Academy for Mediterranean Solar Architecture (SAMSA 2004) o Focus on tools for solar building design in the Mediterranean region. o www. ises. org/samsa2004

• Freiburg, Germany:

o ISES Solar Academy: Integration of Solar Technologies in Building Design (Freiburg 2004)

o Focus on the integration of solar technologies in the design of residential buildings in a temperate to cold climate.

o www. ises. org/freibura2004

• Prague, Czech Republic:

o ISES Solar Academy: Solar Technologies for Building Renovation (SOTERE 2004)

o Focus on the renovation of historically significant buildings using of solar technologies in a temperate to cold climate.

o www. ises. ora/sotere2004

The Academies, promoted by the ISES network, are inter-connected and promote the electronic sharing of data and results on solar architecture aspects, thereby supporting and enhancing the role ofthe European network ofskilled solararchitecture professionals.

5. Conclusion

Professionals — mainly architects and engineers, but also related professions — and students require clear and structured information on the different aspects relating to the application of RETs, EE and solar architecture strategies in the built environment. Experience gained with the SAMSA 2002 and similar events has encouraged the NGOs and universities linked to the ISES network to continue their activities in the formative sector, addressing the growing need for similar capacity building events.

Within the ISES network there is a wide range of expertise available, with a supportive international network, where professionals and students interested in sustainable energy can find mutual interests, and exchange ideas and experiences. ISES will celebrate its 50™ anniversary in 2004 as the oldest and largest NGO that promotes Renewable Energy globally. Many of the Society’s activities have encouraged people to consider sustainable energy issues — a particularly interesting one for solar buildings are the results of the first international solar architecture competition organised in 1957 (Image 3). These results, when compared to solar buildings of today, show that the basic strategies and principles have essentially not changed, but the technologies and materials available today add new and fascinating dimensions to solar buildings.

The results ofthe Academies and the enthusiasm ofthe participants has encouraged ISES to continue these activities as part of its Awareness, Education & Capacity Building

Image 1 — SAMSA 2002 group



Faculty of Architecture Untvenlty Ы Roma Tre

Image 2: SAMSA 2002 official poster

Image 3: Results ofthe 1957 ISES Architecture competition on CD/DVD

Programme (AEC). The aim is to ensure that a point of reference is established in the field of solar architecture, not only in Europe but also internationally — thereby assisting the experts and professionals to join forces, centralise the information and spread information on solar architecture — relevant both to new building design and building renovation — considering aesthetics and energy consumption (reduction), using clean energy sources as equally important aspects in the design process.