Future energy issues as a topic for a Facharbeit

Subjects of particular interest for us as students are themes concerning our future life, the social and economical environment in which we will live. Here the problem of future energy is one of the most important ones. There are many different aspects of future energy issues that can be treated in a Facharbeit. Teachers may also help us to find our special topic of interest by offering several proposals.

I myself decided to write a Facharbeit about “Hydrogen as Energy Storage for the Future Electrical Energy Supply”. Additionally, specialised with further research, I worked out one part of it for deeper scientific inside, the "Production of Hydrogen from Ocean Water", for presentation in the competition "Jugend forscht".

1. Experiences

To write a “Facharbeit” has a lot of good sides, as mentioned above. But the experiences we students make on working on our Facharbeit are not only good ones.

The most problems in writing a “Facharbeit” result, when students deal with very new research topics. Most of the teachers do not know anything about such themes and have to learn with the students. This problem occurs extremely in future energy themes because at this time there is a fast innovative development in this area. The teacher’s knowledge is in most cases not sufficient and detailed enough to guide a Facharbeit on these topics without problems.

Here I want to report about my own experiences.