Safety of the System

The described system differs from existing installations using hydrogen because it employs components that are not yet widely applied. Additionally, it should be sufficiently safe and fault forgiving in order to be operated by "normal people”.

Due to its physical properties hydrogen differs from other gases. The main relevant points are the low density, that it is tasteless, odourless and invisible, its wide explosion range and that is tends to detonate.

The safety analysis for hydrogen systems [6] suggests that it can be handled without an unacceptable risk. However, the design of the installation has to take into account the peculiarities of hydrogen. Additional requirements stem from the fault forgiving properties mentioned above.

1 Results

As a result of this research project, a procedure for identifying configurations of autonomous energy systems which

• are safe to handle,

• sufficiently reliable,

• optimized as to the number and type of equipments required,

• energetically efficient.

will be available. Additionally, the relationship between the degree of redundancy, component lifetimes and their repair times can be analyzed.

Since the research is ongoing, calculation results will be communicated in the oral presentation at the conference.