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14 декабря, 2021
The PFBR is a pool-type sodium cooled reactor under design in India (IAEA-TEC — DOC-1083, 1999). It is a 500 MWe medium-sized reactor and extrapolates from the FBTR
13.3 MWe experimental reactor that has already been successfully commissioned.
The fuel consists of mixed plutonium and uranium oxides and depleted uranium is used as the blanket. The fuel region includes two zones of different plutonium oxide enrichment. Secondary side shielding is included in both the axial and radial directions.
There are nine primary control and safety rods for setting the power level and for shutting down the reactor. There are in addition three diverse safety rods.
The primary circuit consists of two pumps and four IHXs, with one IHX on either side of each pump. The secondary sodium system consists of two identical loops each comprising of two IHXs and three steam generator modules.