Emergency teams

In the event of an accident, the station personnel will be formed into a number of teams in order to carry out certain essential remedial actions. Each member of an emergency team receives periodic instruction in accordance with an approved training schedule.

The emergency team duties and responsibilities are described in the following paragraphs.

Health physics

Trained survey teams will be available for the imme­diate monitoring of radiological conditions both on and off the site. The on-site team will take measure­ments of airborne activity, CO2 concentration and radiation dose rate. The results will be communicated to the emergency health physicist who will advise the emergency controller of any precautions necessary on the site. The off-site teams, in fully equipped vehicles, will take measurements of airborne activity and radia­tion dose rate in the neighbourhood of the station. Their survey routine will be so arranged that a rapid assessment of conditions can be made in any popu­lated areas close to the site. The survey results will be passed to the emergency control centre by radio and the emergency health physicist will advise the emer­gency controller of the precautions necessary, includ­ing any need for the evacuation of members of the public.

Incident assessment

A rapid initial survey at the scene of an accident will be made by a small team lead by a shift engineer and including a health physics monitor. This team will be responsible for the initial assessment of any damage, the initial location of casualties and for the assess­ment of the radiological conditions at the scene of the accident. During the initial survey, the team leader will make frequent reports of the situation to the emergency control organisation.

Incident control

An incident control point will be established at a safe location near to the scene of the accident to control access to the affected area. The incident control point will be under the command of a shift engineer who will be assisted by personnel trained in breathing apparatus control, protective clothing procedures and contamination monitoring. All teams operating from the incident control point will be accompanied by a health physics monitor.


A trained fire team will be available on each shift. First aid

Trained personnel will be available to accompany res­cue teams and to render emergency first aid in the medical centre. Arrangements will be made to dispatch casualties to selected hospitals, if necessary.


Shift personnel trained in appropriate techniques will report to the incident control point to rescue any casualties located by the incident assessment team.

Damage control

A team of craftsmen will be available to effect any temporary repairs. The team will be led by a shift engineer who will be assisted by mechanical and elec­trical fitters, welders, etc. The team will operate from the incident control point.

Plant operation

In addition to the staff in the main control room, personnel will be available to carry out any emergency plant operations such as the closing of valves.