
The research approach has been based on the combination of virtual prototyping techniques (numerical simulation) and the construction and measurement of experimental set-ups and prototypes by means of ISO procedures.

More than 7000 different configurations of ICSs have been evaluated by means of virtual prototyping. Main parameters investigated were: the absorbing surfaces, the covers (from single glazing to transparently insulated covers), different stores (water store, PCM store, hybrid water+PCM store), and different volume of the store. Some of the most interesting configurations in terms of the industrialisation capabilities of the partners, the cost, the thermal performance, and the technical feasibility according to the current state of the technique, have been studied in more detailed resulting into the final OPICS-ICSs developed during the project. Other configurations, however, may also be interesting and may motivate further investigation and development in the frame work of future projects. Some of the configurations studied in the virtual prototyping have been evaluated in more detail, including a detailed design of all the elements, the construction of prototypes, a detailed modelling, and the testing of the prototypes using ISO procedures.

Fig. 1. Pre-industnal prototypes at the tracks of the UPC testing facility. a)Two prototypes OPICS1. b) One prototype OPICS2.