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14 декабря, 2021
Unfortunately there are no typical or measured infiltration rates available for the building types used in this study. For the purposes of this paper the average air leakage rate found by a UK study
[13] is used (13.1 ACH50). The study uses the fan pressurization method (or “blower door method”). This rate is converted to an infiltration rate under normal conditions as described in the literature [14,15]. The whole building ventilation rates used in the models are based on the ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 62.2-2007 [16].
Table 3. Calculated infiltration and ventilation rates per zone
The minimum whole building ventilation rates suggested by the standard include a default infiltration rate of 10L/s per 100m2. The standard also defines that if a higher infiltration rate applies then the minimum ventilation rate can be decreased by half of the excess of the known infiltration rate. For bathrooms and kitchens the continuous ventilation rates suggested by the same standard are used and are 10 L/s and 5 ACH respectively. Erro! A origem da referenda nao foi encontrada. shows the ventilation rates used for the various zones of the house, calculated in relation to the average infiltration rates for the houses.