2.2.1. Preparation of a technical safety report

Before implementing a tracer operation in the field, an application for the radiotracer experiment has to be submitted to the national radiological protection authority for evaluation and acceptance. To ensure that persons are protected from harmful effects of radiation, such application must comply with the International Basic Safety Standards [18] or equivalent national regulations. No practical action is taken before permission is granted by the relevant authority.

The safety evaluation report is the basis for this application. Such a report may contain an introductory description of experiments, descriptions of radiotracers, transportation and storage of radiotracers and injection methods, as well as radiation safety measures for all radiotracer related works.

The authorized person or organization will have the prime responsibility to ensure that radioactive material is used safely and in compliance with relevant regulations and standards. Guidance on occupational radiation protection, development of safety assessment plans and safe transport of radioactive material has been published by the IAEA [18-21].