Pot trial on lettuce (plant biometric survey and elemental analysis)

In Figure 4, lettuce plants differently fertilized in the two soils at the end of the experiment (60 days) are shown.

The effect of the different treatments and soils is evident when comparing the lettuce growth. The phytotoxic effect of urea at highest dose was dramatically shown in Soil A, while at the same urea dose, in soil B the lettuce was able to increase its development although the excess of N mineral supply: this result attested clearly the role of soil in influencing the actual availability of nutrients, and in particular of N, for plant uptake. It was promising the good performances of both the not-digested and the digested solid fraction of livestock manure at the highest N dose, particularly in Soil A: even if the 400 kgN*ha-1 supplied by urea gave the worst result on lettuce, apparently the excess of N added with the organic biomasses did not determine any decrease of lettuce growth, but on the contrary, a very good development of lettuce foliage (Figure 5).

This aspect is a positive point in order to propose the increase of the limit rate of 170 kgN*ha-1 year-1 for digestate application to soil, especially because these results were obtained in a soil with a sandy texture, low organic C content and, consequently, particularly vulnerable for nitrates.

Подпись: SOIL A Подпись: 0200
Подпись: UREA 200
Подпись: □200
Подпись: ND200
Подпись: ND400
Подпись: SOIL В


(ND = not-digested solid fraction of livestock manure; D = digested solid fraction of livestock manure; 200 = 200

kgNxha-1; 400 = 400 kgNxha-1).

Figure 4. Lettuce grown in relation to the different fertilization treatments in soil A and B.

(400 = 400 kgNxha-1).

Подпись: Figure 5. Example of lettuce leaves development in relation to the different fertilization treatments in Soil A.

The quantitative results related to biomass production and quality of plants are reported in Table 2.

Soil A

Dry weight (g plant’1)

Dry matter (%)

Total leaf area (cm-2)

Number of leaves

Not fertilized

1,4 b

5,2 b

450 b

15 a

Urea 200 Kg ha1

2,9 d

4,8 b

1450 d

24 c

Urea 400 Kg ha-1

0,4 a

5,4 c

180 a

13 a

Not digested 200 Kg ha-1

1,2 b

4,4 a

730 c

17 b

Not digested 400 Kg ha-1

2,5 c

7,3 d

750 c

18 b

Digested 200 Kg ha-1

1,9 c

5,0 b

760 c

17 b

Digested 400 Kg ha-1

2,4 c

5,0 b

850 c

18 b

Soil B

Dry weight (g plant’1)

Dry matter (%)

Total leaf area (cm’2)

Number of leaves

Not fertilized

0,7 a

1,9 a

900 b

18 ab

Urea 200 Kg ha-1

3,5 c

3,7 c

2000 c

23 c

Urea 400 Kg ha-1

0,8 a

5,2 cd

1300 bc

22 c

Not digested 200 Kg ha-1

1,7 b

3,7 c

850 b

18 ab

Not digested 400 Kg ha-1

1,6 b

3,2 b

1250 bc

20 b

Digested 200 Kg ha-1

0,7 a

2,1 a

700 a

17 a

Digested 400 Kg ha-1

1,6 b

3,5 c

1000 b

20 b

Table 2. Lettuce dry weight, dry matter, total leaf area and number of leaves obtained after fertilization treatments in A and B soils (average value; different letters means significant differences at P — level<0.05).

Firstly, again a strong "soil effect" was recorded in relation to plant growth parameters for all the treatments, due to the different chemical-physical characteristics and biological fertility of the two soils. Not fertilized plants showed a limited vegetative development
while, as expected, lowest urea dose (200 kgN*ha-1) gave the best plant growth (6.7 g plant-1), as confirmed by recorded parameters as shoot dry weight, percentage of dry matter, leaf area and leaf number, especially in B Soil. On the contrary, urea at 400 kgN*ha-1 dramatically depressed plant growth in Soil A (0.8 g plant-1), due to evident toxicity phenomena.

Digested and not digested biomasses gave best results when applied at the higher dose respect to the lowest one; actually, in treatments with both the biomasses at 400 kgN*ha-1, plant parameters were closer to those obtained with urea at 200 kgN*ha-1. It is relevant that in Soil A the application of both the digested and the not-digested solid fractions of livestock manure at 400 kgN*ha-1 gave weight parameters higher than those observed at 200 kgN*ha-1. Otherwise, in Soil B, only fertilization with digested solid fraction of livestock manure at 400 kgN*ha-1 gave an increase of all the tested parameters respect to the 200 kgN*ha-1 dose, while the not digested biomass did not show any differences among the N rates.

No toxicity phenomena were detected also at the highest doses of added biomasses and this is an important and positive result in the scope of utilizing these materials in substitution of mineral fertilizer also with high doses of N supply without collateral effect on plant.

For better clarify the effect of the alternative fertilization treatments on lettuce plant parameters in relation of the two soils, radar graphs are reported in Figure 6.


Figure 6. Radar graphs of plant parameters related to the fertilization treatments in soil A and B.

Lettuce number of leaves was little affected by soil characteristics, while dry weight, dry matter and total leaf area were evidently influenced by both the soil and the fertilization. On general terms, in the Soil A the percentages of dry matter of lettuce were higher respect to the corresponding values recorded in Soil B; on the contrary, the total leaf areas were lower in Soil A than in Soil B. The water uptake seems to have had a great importance in the two considered systems: probably, it was strongly affected by physical characteristics of the two soils. In Soil A, with about 50% of sand content, the water was less available to plant because of its lower water retention capacity respect to Soil B, so to determine the tendency to reduce the lettuce total leaf area and increase leaves dry matter. On the contrary, in the loamy Soil B, the higher water availability determined a decrease in percentages of lettuce dry matter and the increase of leaf areas, so to give an indication of the dependence of lettuce quality mainly from soil characteristics rather than the fertilization treatments. Anyway, taking into account 200 kgN*ha-1 of urea as the reference dose for lettuce production, it is relevant that the not-digested solid fraction of livestock manure at 400 kgN*ha-1 gave the highest value of lettuce dry matter among all the treatments.

For evaluating macro (N, P, K, Mg) and micronutrients (Cu, B, Fe, Mn) use efficiency, biomass dry weight and elemental concentrations were plotted, including curved content isoclines [32],[33]. Each point on the bidimensional plot represent a vectors, taken as control equal to 100% both the concentration and the related dry weight obtained after addition of 200 kgN*ha-1 urea (intersection point) in graphs (Figure 7 and Figure 8).

Plant tissue composition was significantly affected by the different treatments, depending on the added materials and rate. In relation to both the macro and the micronutrients, it should be remarked that all results were shifted to the limiting vector space (left side of the plot, under 100% lettuce dry matter, corresponding to urea at 200 kgN*ha-1), representing the reducing growth treatments.

In relation to N (Figure 7), the phytotoxic effect of mineral fertilizer at 400 kgN*ha-1 is particularly evident in Soil A, where the increase of concentration of N corresponded to the greatest decrease of lettuce dry matter respect to the control; the same severe phytotoxicity was not recovered after treatments with organic biomasses. The most promising results were obtained after addition of not-digested and digested solid fraction of livestock manure at highest dose, giving a dry matter similar to those obtained with the control mineral fertilization, but with a net decrease in N uptake: this finding attests that the N use efficiency was particularly high when 400 kgN*ha-1 of both organic materials were added to Soil A, since the lack in N prompt availability was not so heavy in limiting plant growth. Such a positive result was not so evident in Soil B, because of the clear reduction of lettuce dry matter (about -50%) after treatments with digested and not-digested materials respect to urea at 200 kgN*ha-1, even if the 400 kgN*ha-1 urea application gave a tendency to an excess of N consumption by lettuce, which did not correspond to an increase of dry

Similar results were obtained also for Mg (Figure 7), since again this nutrient concentration seemed to be another limiting factor for lettuce growth, in both the soils.

Different behaviour was recorded for P and K (Figure 7): their related uptakes were strongly affected by both the soils characteristics and the fertilization treatments: while in Soil A the limiting factor for lettuce growth was clearly the soil P and K availability (left space of the graph, under 100% of nutrient concentration for the urea control), in Soil B the effect was opposite (especially for K), since the excess of nutrients appeared to be the main cause of plant growth decrease (left space of the graph, above 100% of nutrient concentration for control 200 kgNxha-1), determining a typically defined "nutrient luxury consumption".

In relation to micronutrients Cu, B, Fe and Mn (Figure 8), sometimes their deficiency represented the main limiting factor for lettuce growth (as Fe in Soil B for all the treatments), sometimes the excess of their concentration could have again determined a luxury consumption (as Cu and B in Soil A, after addition of 200 kgN*ha-1 of digested livestock manure). It is interesting the effect played by soils on Mn lettuce uptake: in Soil A, after addition of 200 kgN*ha-1 of digested livestock manure, both the Mn uptake and the lettuce dry weight were reduced only of about 30% respect to the values posed to 100% for urea control; on the contrary, in Soil B, the same parameters strongly decreased of about 80%, so confirming the role of soil chemical and physical characteristics on nutrient availability in relation to the different treatments.