Size Reduction

1. Unroller-chopper cost: $5.76/dry ton.

2. Rack cost: all costs associated with the ownership and maintenance of the racks.

3. Loading cost: all costs associated with the loading of bales into racks. These costs are referred to as "SSL operation costs".

4. Truck cost: all costs associated with the ownership and operation of the trucks.

5. Receiving Facility cost: all costs associated with the unloading of racks from trucks, placement of racks onto conveyor (or placement in at-plant storage), conveyor operation, operation of at-plant storage, and removal of racks from at-plant storage and placement on trucks for return to SSL.

6. Size reduction: all costs associated with the unloading of bales from the rack, operation of conveyor for single file bales delivered to size reduction machine, and operation of machine for initial size reduction.

Truck cost is 34% of the total cost, SSL operations are 20%, Receiving Facility operations are 14%, size reduction is 24%, and the racks are 8%. It is clear why the Rack System Concept was organized to maximize truck productivity; truck cost is the largest cost component. Truck cost plus SSL operations are $12.77/dry ton, or 54% of total cost. The Receiving Facility cost is $3.37/dry ton, only 14% of total cost. As with all other multi-bale handling system concepts, the Rack System provides an opportunity for minimizing cost between the plant gate and the size reduction unit operation.

The total cost shown in Table 2 does not include the farmgate contract cost (production, harvesting, in-field transport, storage in SSL, and profit to producer). The farmgate contract cost can be estimated from local data for production, harvest, and ambient storage of round bales of hay. In the Southeast the key issue relative to the hay cost comparison is the difference in yield; switchgrass will yield about 9 Mg/ha as compared to traditional hay species that yield about 4.5 Mg/ha.


Cost ($/dry ton)*



1 oading at SSI.



Extra Drop-deck Trailers


Truck cost


Unloading at plant

Workhorse forklift


Backup forklift


At-plant storage (Gravel lot with lighting)



Cost ($/dry ton)*

Conveyor into plant


Unroller-chopper (Initial size reduction)




* $1/dry ton = $1.103/Mg DM

Table 2. Total cost for hauling, receiving facility operations, and — side-load option, 24-h hauling.

size reduction for rack system exam

4. Conclusions

The key decision points for the design of a logistics system for a bioenergy plant operating

24/7 year-round are summarized as follows.

1. A complete logistics system is defined as one that begins with the biomass standing in the field and ends with a stream of size-reduced material entering a bioenergy plant for 24/7 operation. Optimizing one unit operation in isolation may increase the cost of an "upstream" or "downstream" operation such that total delivered cost is increased.

2. Most feedstock is harvested only part of the year, thus storage is a part of the logistics system. A cost effective logistics system provides for efficient flow of material in and out of storage.

3. Just-in-time (JIT) delivery of feedstock provides for a minimum at-plant storage cost. Since JIT delivery is not practical for typical biomass logistics systems, there is always a cost trade-off between the size of at-plant storage and the other design constraints needed to insure a continuous feedstock supply. Knowledge of quantities of biomass in Satellite Storage Locations (SSLs) provides the Feedstock Manager at a bioenergy plant an opportunity to minimize the at-plant storage cost.

4. Farmgate contracts that require a summer-early fall harvest must compensate for the removal of nutrients, and contracts that require a winter harvest must compensate for loss of yield incurred by the delayed harvest.

5. Assigning different unit operations to different entities in the business plan can lower average delivered cost. For example, it is more efficient to pool all farmgate activities into a farmgate contract and have a hauling contractor handle all load-haul activities. This division is defined as a division between "agricultural" and "industrial" operations. The key benefit achieved is in the capitalization of the equipment. Load — haul contractors can afford to invest in industrial-grade, high-capacity equipment designed for year-round operation as compared to farmgate contractors who will use their equipment 400 hours (or less) per year.

6. Uncoupling of the unit operations in the logistics chain can provide an advantage.

a. In the agricultural operations, baling uncouples the harvesting and in-field hauling operations. When the harvesting operation is not constrained by in-field hauling— both unit operations can proceed at maximum productivity.

b. In the industrial operations, it is important to uncouple truck loading from hauling. Maximum loads-per-day-per-truck are achieved when the loading crew never has to wait for a truck to arrive and the truck never has to wait to be loaded.

7. Truck cost is the largest component of total cost in most logistics systems, thus it is essential to maximize truck productivity (Mg hauled per unit time) by increasing both Mg-per-load and loads-per-day. A 10-min load time and a 10-min unload time is a desired goal for design of most logistic systems.

8. Multi-bale handling units are in need to solve the rapid loading/unloading challenge.

9. Twenty-four-hour hauling can minimize truck cost ($/Mg). The challenge is to design a logistics system with a practical procedure for loading trucks at night at a remote location.

10. The design of the Receiving Facility, because of the need to unload trucks quickly, is critical in the design of a complete logistics system. Typically, this design specifies that each load have the same configuration, and requires a delivery schedule where approximately the same number of loads is received each workday.

11. The most cost-effective logistics system will be structured such that information technologies (GPS, bar codes, entry of data over cell phone network) and optimization routines developed for other logistics systems can be used to optimize asset utilization in real time.