Bioresource use in the forms of new and waste biomass is a great opportunity and a challenge for the future since it offers the chance of replacing fossil fuels for the produc­tion of energy carriers, materials and specialty chemicals and diminishing the market pressure in an almost carbon-neutral way. Industrial biorefineries are seen as one of the most promising directions toward a sustainable bio-based economy. Fully developed biorefineries combine biological and physicochemical processes.

A weakness of biorefineries as an alternative to con­ventional oil refineries consists in the fact that the former is based on biofeedstock, which can require an intensive cultivation and land use.

Moreover, biorefineries could compete with food re­quirements and needs, which would limit the land allo­cated to biomass for biorefineries. As a result, the future of biorefineries should consider the use of nonedible biomass and the advanced processing of biomass waste, as well as land which could not normally be used for agriculture. This type of land could be used for microal­gae cultures or renewable plants. Other sources of raw material for biorefineries could be found on waste from the food industry and urban organic waste. The processing of this raw matter can be successfully and eco-efficiently carried out through the development of enzymatic systems and engineered microorganisms capable of separating useful compounds from waste.

The development of these technologies should also consider the important issue of costs, since, currently, oil-based refineries offer more cost-effective solutions at the expense of environmental degradation and pollution.

Eco-Efficiency Indicators (EEI)



Nonrenewable Material Consumption (EENRM;1y)

Renewable Material Consumption Rate (EERMC;ij)

EErmC;j)* = EEtmc(1/EEtmc — 1/EEnrm) x 100%

of bioproduct and biorefinery integration levels (kg)

NRMCj, allocated nonrenewable materials consumption associated with the production of bioproduct and biorefinery integration levels (kg)

Greenhouse Gases (GHG)

GHG Emissions (EEGHG)

EEghg, ij = PRj / P GHG

ij = PRij/(GHGi + GHGii + GHGiii).

PRij, allocated profit from productions sold (country currency)

GHGij, allocated greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of bioproduct and biorefinery integration levels (kg)

Acidification Potential (AP)

Acidification Emissions (EEAP)

EEap;,; = PRij / P APj =

PR, j7(API + APii + APiii)

PRij, allocated profit from productions sold (country currency)

APij, allocated acidification emissions associated with the production of bioproduct and biorefinery integration levels (kg SO2 equivalent)

Eutrophication Potential (EP)

Eutrophication Emissions (EEEP)

EEEP. y = PRij/ P EPij =

PRij/(EPi + EPii + EPm)j

PRij, allocated profit from productions sold (country currency)

EPij, allocated eutrophication emissions associated with the production of bioproduct and biorefinery integration levels (kg PO4 equivalent)

TABLE 14.7 Main Eco-Efficiency Indicators for Biorefineries (Hong Chua and Steinmiiller, 2010)—cont’d

Notations: i refers to the level of integrations of the biorefinery; j refers to the product from the refinery.

Source: Development Of Eco-Efficiency Indicators for a Biorefinery, Authors: Celia Bee Hong Chua, Horst Steinmiiller (http://www. energyefficiency. at/web/artikel/eco-efficiency_indicators. html).



This work was partially supported by the grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS—UEFISCDI, project number PN-n-ro-PCE-2011-3-0559, Contract 265/2011.