Category Archives: Comprehensive nuclear materials

MD Case Studies

In the following section, we present a set of case studies that illustrate the fundamental concepts dis­cussed earlier. The examples are chosen to reflect the application of MD to mechanical properties of crystalline solids and the behavior of defects in them. More detailed discussions of these topics, especially in irradiated materials, can be found in Chapter 1.11, Primary Radiation Damage For­mation and Chapter 1.12, Atomic-Level Level Dislocation Dynamics in Irradiated Metals. Perfect Crystal

Perhaps the most widely used test case for an atomis­tic simulation program, or for a newly implemented potential model, is the calculation of equilibrium lattice constant a0, cohesive energy Ecoh, and bulk modulus B. Because this calculation can be performed using a very small number of atoms, it is also a widely used test case for first-principle simulations (see Chapter 1.08, Ab Initio Electronic Structure Cal­culations for Nuclear Materials). Once the equilib­rium lattice constants have been determined, we can obtain other elastic constants ofthe crystal in addition to the bulk modulus. Even though these calculations are not MD perse, they are important benchmarks that practitioners usually perform, before embarking on MD simulations ofsolids. This case study is discussed in Section

Подпись:Following the test case at zero temperature, MD simulations can be used to compute the mechanical properties of crystals at finite temperature. Before computing other properties, the equilibrium lattice constant at finite temperature usually needs to be determined first, to account for the thermal expan­sion effect. This case study is discussed in Section

Description of Displacement Cascades

In a crystalline material, a displacement cascade can be visualized as a series of elastic collisions that is initiated when a given atom is struck by a high-energy neutron (or incident ion in the case of ion irradiation). The initial atom, which is called the primary knock-on atom (PKA), will recoil with a given amount of kinetic energy that it dissipates in a sequence of collisions with other atoms. The first of these are termed sec­ondary knock-on atoms and they will in turn lose energy to a third and subsequently higher ordered knock-ons until all of the energy initially imparted to the PKA has been dissipated. Although the physics is slightly different, a similar event has been observed on billiard tables for many years.

Perhaps the most important difference between billiards and atomic displacement cascades is that an atom in a crystalline solid experiences the binding forces that arise from the presence ofthe other atoms. This binding leads to the formation of the crystalline lattice and the requirement that a certain minimum kinetic energy must be transferred to an atom before it can be displaced from its lattice site. This minimum energy is called the displacement threshold energy (Ed) and is typically 20 to 40 eV for most metals and alloys used in structural applications.16

If an atom receives kinetic energy in excess of Ed, it can be transported from its original lattice site and come to rest within the interstices of the lattice. Such an atom constitutes a point defect in the lattice and is called an interstitial or interstitial atom. In the case of an alloy, the interstitial atom may be referred to as a self-interstitial atom (SIA) if the atom is the primary alloy component (e. g., iron in steel) to distinguish it from impurity or solute interstitials. The SIA nomen­clature is also used for pure metals, although it is somewhat redundant in that case. The complemen­tary point defect is formed if the original lattice site remains vacant; such a site is called a vacancy (see Chapter 1.01, Fundamental Properties of Defects in Metals for a discussion of these defects and their properties). Vacancies and interstitials are created in equal numbers by this process and the name Frenkel pair is used to describe a single, stable interstitial and its related vacancy. Small clusters of both point defect types can also be formed within a displace­ment cascade.

The kinematics of the displacement cascade can be described as follows, where for simplicity we consider the case of nonrelativistic particle energies with one particle initially in motion with kinetic energy E0 and the other at rest. In an elastic collision between two such particles, the maximum energy transfer (Em) from particle (1) to particle (2) is given by

Em = 4EoA1A2/ (A1 + A2)2 I1]

where Ax and A2 are the atomic masses of the two particles. Two limiting cases are of interest. If particle 1 is a neutron and particle 2 is a relatively heavy element such as iron, Em ~ 4E0/A. Alternately, if A1 = A2, any energy up to E0 can be transferred. The former case corresponds to the initial collision between a neutron and the PKA, while the latter corresponds to the collisions between lattice atoms ofthe same mass.

Beginning with the work of Brinkman mentioned above, various models were proposed to compute the total number of atoms displaced by a given PKA as a function of energy. The most widely cited model was that of Kinchin and Pease.17 Their model assumed that between a specified threshold energy and an upper energy cut-off, there was a linear rela­tionship between the number of Frenkel pair pro­duced and the PKA energy. Below the threshold, no new displacements would be produced. Above the high-energy cut-off, it was assumed that the addi­tional energy was dissipated in electronic excitation and ionization. Later, Lindhard and coworkers devel­oped a detailed theory for energy partitioning that could be used to compute the fraction of the PKA energy that was dissipated in the nuclear system in elastic collisions and in electronic losses.18 This work was used by Norgett, Robinson, and Torrens (NRT) to develop a secondary displacement model that is still used as a standard in the nuclear industry and elsewhere to compute atomic displacement rates.19

The NRT model gives the total number of dis­placed atoms produced by a PKA with kinetic energy epka as

Vnrt = 0.8Td(EPKA)/2Ed [2]

where Ed is an average displacement threshold energy.16 The determination of an appropriate average displacement threshold energy is somewhat ambiguous because the displacement threshold is strongly depen­dent on crystallographic direction, and details of the threshold surface vary from one potential to another. An example of the angular dependence is shown in Figure 1,20 for MD simulations in iron obtained using the Finnis-Sinclair potential.21 Moreover, it is not obvious how to obtain a unique definition for the angular average. Nordlund and coworkers22 provide a comparison of threshold behavior obtained with 11 different iron potentials and discusses several different possible definitions of the displacement threshold energy. The factor Td in eqn [2] is called the damage energy and is a function of EPKA. The damage energy is the amount of the initial PKA energy available to cause atomic displacements, with the fraction of the PKA’s initial kinetic energy lost to electronic excitation being responsible for the difference between EPKA and Td. The ratio of Td to EPKA for iron is shown in Figure 2 as a function of PKA energy, where the analytical fit to Lindhard’s theory described by Norgett and coworkers19 has been used to obtain Td.

Note that a significant fraction of the PKA energy is dissipated in electronic processes even for energies


[210] [221] [211]

Knock-on direction

Figure 1 Angular dependence of displacement threshold energy for iron at 0 K. Reproduced from Bacon, D. J.; Calder, A. F.; Harder, J. M.; Wooding, S. J. J. Nucl. Mater. 1993, 205, 52-58.

as low as a few kiloelectronvolts. The factor of 0.8 in eqn [2] accounts for the effects of realistic (i. e., other than hard sphere) atomic scattering; the value was obtained from an extensive cascade study using the binary collision approximation (BCA).23,2

The number of stable displacements (Frenkel pair) predicted by both the original Kinchin-Pease model and the NRT model is shown in Figure 3 as a function of the PKA energy. The third curve in the figure will be discussed below in Section 1.11.3. The MD results presented in Section indi­cate that vNRT overestimates the total number of


Figure 2 Ratio of damage energy (Td) to PKA energy (Epka) as a function of PKA energy.

Frenkel pair that remain after the excess kinetic energy in a displacement cascade has been dis­sipated at about 10 ps. Many more defects than this are formed during the collisional phase of the cascade; however, most of these disappear as vacan­cies and interstitials annihilate one another in spon­taneous recombination reactions.


One valuable aspect of the NRT model is that it enabled the use of atomic displacements per atom (dpa) as an exposure parameter, which provides a common basis of comparison for data obtained in different types of irradiation sources, for example, different neutron energy spectra, ion irradiation, or electron irradiation. The neutron energy spec­trum can vary significantly from one reactor to another depending on the reactor coolant and/or moderator (water, heavy water, sodium, graphite), which leads to differences in the PKA energy spec­trum as will be discussed below. This can confound attempts to correlate irradiation effects data on the basis of parameters such as total neutron fluence or the fluence above some threshold energy, commonly 0.1 or 1.0 MeV. More importantly, it is impossible to correlate any given neutron fluence with a charged particle fluence. However, in any of these cases, the PKA energy spectrum and corresponding damage energies can be calculated and the total number of displacements obtained using eqn [2] in an integral calculation. Thus, dpa provides an environment — independent radiation exposure parameter that in

many cases can be successfully used as a radiation damage correlation parameter.25 As discussed below, aspects of primary damage production other than simply the total number of displacements must be considered in some cases.

Characterization of Cascade-Produced Primary Damage

The NRT displacement model is most correct for irradiation such as 1 MeV electrons, which produce only low-energy recoils and, therefore, the FPs. At higher recoil energies, the damage is generated in the form of displacement cascades, which change both the production rate and the nature ofthe defects produced. Over the last two decades, the cascade process has been investigated extensively by molecu­lar dynamics (MD) and the relevant phenomenology is described in Chapter 1.11, Primary Radiation Damage Formation and recent publications.43,44 For the purpose of this chapter the most important findings are (see discussion in the Chapter 1.11, Primary Radiation Damage Formation):

• For energy above ^0.5 keV, the displacements are produced in cascades, which consist of a collision and recovery or cooling-down stage.

• A large fraction of defects generated during the collision stage of a cascade recombine during the cooling-down stage. The surviving fraction of defects decreases with increasing PKA energy up to ~10keV, when it saturates at a value of ^30% of the NRT value, which is similar in several metals and depends only slightly on the temperature.

• By the end of the cooling-down stage, both SIA and vacancy clusters can be formed. The frac­tion of defects in clusters increases when the PKA energy is increased and is somewhat higher in face-centered cubic (fcc) copper than in bcc iron.

• The SIA clusters produced may be either glissile or sessile. The glissile clusters of large enough size (e. g., >4 SIAs in iron) migrate 1D along close — packed crystallographic directions with a very low activation energy, practically a thermally, similar to the single crowdion.45,46 The SIA clus­ters produced in iron are mostly glissile, while in copper they are both sessile and glissile.

• The vacancy clusters produced may be either mobile or immobile vacancy loops, stacking-fault tetrahedra (SFTs) in fcc metals, or loosely corre­lated 3D arrays in bcc materials such as iron.

As compared to the FP production, the cascade damage has the following features.

• The generation rates of single vacancies and SIAs are not equal: Gv = Gi and both smaller than that given by the NRT standard, eqn. [2]: Gv, Gi <Gnrt.

• Mobile species consist of 3D migrating single vacancies and SIAs, and 1D migrating SIA and vacancy clusters.

• Sessile vacancy and SIA clusters, which can be sources/sinks for mobile defects, can be formed.

The rates of PD production in cascades are given by

Gv = Gnrt(1 — er)(1 — ev) [4]

Gi = Gnrt(1 — er)(1 — Єі) [5]

where er is the fraction of defects recombined in cascades relative to the NRT standard value, and ev and ei are the fractions of clustered vacancies and SIAs, respectively.

One also needs to introduce parameters describ­ing mobile and immobile vacancy and SIA-type clusters of different size. The production rate of the clusters containing x defects, G(x), depends on cluster type, PKA energy and material, and is connected with the fractions e as

^xGa(x)=eaGNRT(1 — er) [6]

x = 2

where a = v, i for the vacancy and SIA-type clusters, respectively. The total fractions ev and Єі of defects in clusters are given by the sums of those for mobile and immobile clusters,

ea = ea+ea [7]

where the superscripts ‘s’ and ‘g’ indicate sessile and glissile clusters, respectively. In the mean-size approximation

(x) = d(x — <x4» [8]

where j = s, g; 8(x) is the Kronecker delta and <xoj) is the mean cluster size and

G = <xa)-1GNRT(1 — er)ei [9]

Also note that although MD simulations46 show that small vacancy loops can be mobile, this has not been incorporated into the theory yet and we assume that they are sessile: evg = 0 and esv = ev.

KMC Modeling of Microstructure Evolution Under Radiation Conditions

KMC models are now widely used for simulating radi­ation effects on materials.21- 0 Advantages of KMC models include the ability to capture spatial correla­tions in a full 3D simulation with atomic resolution, while ignoring the atomic vibration time scales cap­tured by MD models. In KMC, individual point defects, point defect clusters, solutes, and impurities are treated as objects, either on or off an underlying crystallo­graphic lattice, and the evolution of these objects is modeled over time. Two general approaches have been used in KMC simulations, object KMC (OKMC) and event KMC (EKMC),35,36 which differ in the treatment of time scales or step between individual events. Within the OKMC designation, it is also possi­ble to further subdivide the techniques into those that explicitly treat atoms and atomic interactions, which are often denoted as atomic KMC (AKMC), or lattice KMC (LKMC), and which were recently reviewed by Becquart and Domain,45 and those that track the defects on a lattice, but without complete resolution of the atomic arrangement. This later technique is predomi­nately referred to as object Monte Carlo and used in such codes as BIGMAC27 or LAKIMOCA.28 More recently, several algorithmic ideas have been identified that, in combination, promise to deliver breakthrough KMC simulations for materials computations by making their performance essentially independent of the particle density and the diffusion rate disparity, and these will be further discussed as outstanding areas for future research at the end of the chapter.

KMC modeling of radiation damage involves tracking the location and fate of all defects, impurities, and solutes as a function oftime to predict microstruc­tural evolution. The starting point in these simulations is often the primary damage state, that is, the spa­tially correlated locations of vacancy, self-interstitials, and transmutants produced in displacement cascades resulting from irradiation and obtained from MD simulations, along with the displacement or damage rate which sets the time scale for defect introduction. The rates of all reaction-diffusion events then control the subsequent evolution or progression in time and are determined from appropriate activation energies for diffusion and dissociation; moreover, the reactions and rates of these reactions that occur between species are key inputs, which are assumed to be known. The defects execute random diffusion jumps (in one, two, or three dimensions depending on the nature of the defect) with a probability (rate) proportional to their diffusivity. Similarly, cluster dissociation rates are gov­erned by a dissociation probability that is proportional to the binding energy of a particle to the cluster. The events to be performed and the associated time-step of each Monte Carlo sweep are chosen from the RTA.17,18 In these simulations, the events which are considered to take place are thus diffusion, emission, irradiation, and possibly transmutation, and their corresponding occurrence rates are described below.

Variable Stoichiometry/Associate Species Models

As noted in Chapter 2.01, The Actinides Elements: Properties and Characteristics; Chapter 2.02, Thermodynamic and Thermophysical Properties of the Actinide Oxides; and Chapter 2.20, Fission Product Chemistry in Oxide Fuels, modeling of complex systems such as U-Pu-Zr and (U, Pu)O2±x has been exceptionally difficult. For example, actinide oxide fuel is understood to be nonstoi­chiometric almost exclusively due to oxygen site vacancies and interstitials. As a result, the fluorite — structure phase has been treated as being composed of various metal-oxygen species with no vacancies on the metal lattice.

An early and successful modeling approach has employed a largely empirical use of variable stoichi­ometry species that are mixed as subregular solutions to fit experimental information.17-20 This technique can be viewed as a variant of the associate species method.21 In the approach, thermochemical values were determined from the phase equilibria, that is, the phase boundaries, and data for the temperature — composition-oxygen potential [mO2 = RT ln(pO*)] where pO2 is a dimensionless quantity defined by the oxygen pressure divided by the standard state pressure of 1 bar. The UO2±x phase, for example, was treated as a solid solution of UO2 and UaOb where the values of a and b were determined by a fit to experimental data. Figure 3 illustrates the trial and error process using a limited data set to obtain the species stoichiometry which results in the best fit to the data. As can be seen, a variety of stoichio­metries for the constituent species yield differing curves ofln(pO*) versus fx), with the most appropri­ate matching the slope of 2. Thus, for this example U10/3O23/3 provides for an optimum fit between U3O7 and U4O9, and its solution with UO2 best reproduces the observed oxygen potential behavior. Utilizing a much more extensive data set from a variety of sources resulted in a set of best fits to the data, yet they required three solid solutions to ade­quately represent the entire compositional range for UO2±x These are



Figure 3 The іп(рО|) dependence as a function of x for UO2+x and of f(x) for several solid-solution species’ stoichiometries for an illustrative oxygen pressure — temperature-composition data set. Coincidence with the theoretical slope of 2 indicates the proper solution model. Reproduced from Lindemer, T. B.; Besmann, T. M. J. Nucl. Mater. 1985, 130, 473-488.

UO2+x (high hyperstoichiometry, i. e., large values of x): UO2 + U3O7,

UO2+x (low hyperstoichiometry, i. e., smaller

values of x): UO2 + U2O45, and

UO2-x (hypostoichiometric): UO2 + U1/3.

The results of the models for UO2±x are plotted in Figure 4 together with the entire data set used for optimizing the system.

The above models for UO2±x have been widely adopted, as has been a similar model of PuO2-x.16 These have also been combined to construct a suc­cessful model for (U, Pu)O2±x.16 Lewis eta/.22 used an analogous technique for UO2±x. Lindemer23 and Runevall et a/.24 have generated successful models of CeO2-x. Runevall et a/.24 also used the method for NpO2-x, AmO2-x (with the work of Thiriet and Konings25), (U, Am)O2±x, (Th, U)O2±x, (U, Ce)O2_* (Pu, Am)O2±x, and (U, Pu, Am)O2±x. They noted that results for the (Th, U)O2+x were less successful per­haps because of the difficulty in the measurements














X =0.3


U-O liquid




Подпись: -800 5001000 1500 2000 2500 3000

Temperature (K)

Figure 4 Oxygen potential plotted versus x for the models of UO2±x of Lindemer and Besmann17 overlaid with the entire data set used for the optimization.

made near stoichiometry. Osaka et a/.26-28 used the approach to successfully represent the (U, Am)O2_x, (U, Pu, Am)O2_x and (Am, Th)O2_x phases.

Creation and Elimination of Point Defects

Because RIS is due to fluxes of excess point defects, modeling must take into account their creation and elimination mechanisms. It must, for example, repro­duce the ratio between vacancy and interstitial concentrations that controls the respective weights of annihilation by recombination or elimination at sinks. The situation from this point of view is very different from phase transformations during thermal aging, where usually only vacancy diffusion occurs, and simulations can be performed with nonphysical point defect concentrations and a correction of the timescale (see, e. g., Le Bouar and Soisson78 and Soisson and Fu12 ).

During electron or light ion irradiation, defects are homogeneously created in the material, with a fre­quency directly given by the radiation flux (in dpa s~ ), a condition that is easily modeled in continuous mod­els, mean-field models,12,14 or Monte Carlo simula­tions.16,118 The formation of defects in displacement cascades during irradiation by heavy particles can also be introduced in kinetic models, using the point defect distributions computed by molecular dynamics.126 The annihilation mechanisms at sinks such as surfaces or grain boundaries are, for the time being, simulated using very simple approximations (perfects sinks, no formation/annihilation of kinks on dislocations, or steps on surfaces). This should not affect the basic coupling between diffusion fluxes, but the long-term evolution of the sink microstructure — which will even­tually have an impact on the chemical distribution — cannot be taken into account.

Finally, thermally activated point defect formation mechanisms that operate during thermal aging, are taken into account in some simulations.11-14 Simula­tions that do not include the thermal production are then valid only at sufficiently low temperatures, when defect concentrations under irradiation are much larger than equilibrium ones.

Primary and Weighted Recoil Spectra

A description of irradiation damage must also con­sider the distribution of recoils in energy and space. The primary recoil spectrum describes the relative number of collisions in which the amount of energy between Tand T + dTis transferred from the primary




particles. Light ions such as electrons and protons will produce damage as isolated FPs or in small clusters while heavy ions and neutrons produce dam­age in large clusters. For 1 MeV particle irradiation of copper, half the recoils for protons are produced with energies less than ^60 eV while the same number for Kr occurs at about 150 eV. Recoils are weighted toward lower energies because of the screened Coulomb potential that controls the interactions of charged particles. For an unscreened Coulomb inter­action, the probability of creating a recoil of energy T varies as 1/T2. However, neutrons interact as hard spheres and the probability of creating a recoil of energy T is independent of recoil energy.

In fact, a more important parameter describing the distribution of damage over the energy range is a combination of the fraction of defects of a particular energy and the damage energy. This is the weighted average recoil spectrum, W(E, T), which weights the primary recoil spectrum by the number of defects or the damage energy produced in each recoil:



Figure 6 Weighted recoil spectra for 1 MeV particles in copper. Curves representing protons and neutrons are calculated usingeqns[9]and [10], respectively. W(T) for other particles were calculated using Lindhard cross-sections and include electronic excitation. Reproduced from Averback, R. S. J. Nucl. Mater. 1994, 216, 49.



While heavy ions come closer to reproducing the energy distribution of recoils of neutrons than do light ions, neither is accurate in the tails of the distri­bution. This does not mean that ions are poor simu­lations of radiation damage, but it does mean that damage is produced differently and this difference will need to be considered when designing an irradi­ation program that is intended to produce microche­mical and microstructural changes that match those from neutron irradiation.

There is, of course, more to the description of radiation damage than just the number of dpa. There is the issue of the spatial distribution of damage production, which can influence the microchemistry and microstructure, particularly at temperatures where diffusion processes are important for micro­structural development. In fact, the ‘ballistically’ determined value of dpa calculated using such a displacement model is not the appropriate unit to be used for dose comparisons between particle types. The reason is the difference in the primary damage state among different particle types.


W(E, T)









where Tt is the maximum recoil energy given by T = gEi = 4EiM1M2/(M1 + M2)2. Ignoring electron excitations and allowing ED(T) = T, then the weighted average recoil spectra for Coulomb and hard sphere collisions are


ln T — lnEd




ln T — lnEd


T2 e2

Whs(E, T)= d [10]

Equations [9] and [10] are graphed in Figure 6 for 1 MeV particle irradiations of copper. The character­istic energy, T1/2 is that recoil energy below which half of the recoils are produced. The Coulomb forces extend to infinity and slowly increase as the particle approaches the target; hence the slow increase with energy. In a hard sphere interaction, the particles and target do not interact until their separation reaches the hard sphere radius at which point the repulsive force goes to infinity. A screened Coulomb is most appropriate for heavy ion irradia­tion. Note the large difference in W(E, T) between the various types of irradiations at E = 1 MeV.


Metals and Alloys

The vast majority of DFT calculations on radiation defects in metallic materials have been performed in body-centered cubic (bcc) iron-based materials, for obvious application reasons of ferritic steels but also because of the more severe shortcoming of predic­tions based only on empirical potentials. A number of accurate estimates of energies of formation and migration of self-interstitial and vacancy defects as well as small defect clusters and solute-vacancy or solute-interstitial complexes have been obtained.

DFT calculations have been intensively used to predict atomistic defect configurations and also tran­sition pathways. An overview of these results is pre­sented below, complete with examples in other bcc transition metals, in particular tungsten, as well as hcp-Zr. These examples illustrate how DFT data have changed the more or less admitted energy land­scape of these defects and also how they are used to improve empirical potentials. In the final part of this chapter, a brief overview of typical works on disloca­tions (in iron) is presented.

Vacancy formation energy

For a pair-potential, removing an atom from the lattice involves breaking bonds. The cohesive energy of a lattice comes from adding the energies of those bonds. Hence, the cohesive energy is equal to the vacancy formation energy, aside from a small differ­ence from relaxation of the atoms around the vacancy.

Подпись:In real metals, the vacancy formation energy is typi­cally one-third of the cohesive energy, the discrepancy coming yet again from the strengthening of bonds to undercoordinated atoms. Cauchy pressure

Pairwise potentials constrain possible values of the elastic constants. Most notably, it is the ‘Cauchy’ relation which relates C12-C66. In a pairwise poten­tial, these are given by the second derivative of the energy with respect to strain, which are most easily treated by regarding the potential as a function of r2 rather than r; whence for a pair potential V(r2), it follows:

C12 = C66 = |X V"(r2j ij

where i, j run over all atoms and O is the volume of the system.

In metals, this relation is strongly violated (e. g., in gold, C12 = 157GPa, C44 = C66 = 42GPa). High-pressure phases

Many materials change their coordination on pres­surization (e. g., iron from bcc (8) to hcp (12)) and some on heating (e. g., tin, from fourfold to sixfold). This suggests that the energy is relatively insensitive to coordination — for pair potentials, it is propor­tional. These problems suggest that a potential has to address the fact that electrons in solids are not uniquely associated with one particular atom, whether the bonding be covalent or metallic. Ultimately, bond­ing comes from lowering the energy of the electrons, and the number of electrons per atom does not change even if the coordination does. Short ranged

It is worth noting that some properties that are claimed to be deficiencies of pair potentials are actu­ally associated with short range. So, for example, the diamond structure cannot be stabilized by near­neighbor potentials, but a longer ranged interaction can stabilize this, and the other complex crystal struc­tures observed in sp-bonded elements.4

1.10.3 From Quantum Theory to Potentials

To understand how best to write the functional form for an interatomic potential, we need to go back to quantum mechanics, extract the dominant features,
and simplify. Quantum mechanics can be expressed in any basis set, so there are several possible starting points for such a theory. Thus, a picture based on atomic orbitals (i. e., tight binding) or plane waves (i. e., free electrons) can be equally valid: for potential development, the important aspect is whether these methods allow for intuitive simplification.

When a potential form is deduced from quantum theory, approximations are made along the way. An aspect often overlooked is that the effects of terms neglected by those approximations are not absent in the final fitted potential. Rather they are incorporated in an averaged (and usually wrong) way, as a distor­tion of the remaining terms. Thus, it is not sensible to add the missing physics back in without reparameter­izing the whole potential.

Comparison of Cascade Damage in Other Metals

Differences in cascade damage formation between different metals was among the topics discussed at a workshop in 1998 entitled ‘Basic Aspects of Differ­ences in Irradiation Effects Between fcc, bcc, and hcp

Metals and Alloys.’124 The papers collected in that volume of the Journal of Nuclear Materials can be consulted to obtain the details on both damage pro­duction and damage evolution. A brief summary of the observed differences and similarities will be presented in this section. Although the development of alloy potentials is relatively recent, there have been a sufficient number of investigations to provide a com­parison of displacement cascade evolution in pure iron with that in three binary alloys, Fe-C, Fe-Cu, and Fe-Cr.125-138 The motivation for each of these binary systems is clear. Carbon must be added to iron to make steel, and as a small interstitial solute it could interact with and influence interstitial-type defects. Copper is of interest largely because it is a primary contributor to reactor pressure vessel embrittlement when it is present as an impurity in concentrations greater than about 0.05 atom% (Chapter 4.05, Radi­ation Damage of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels). Steels containing 7-12 atom% chromium are the basis of a number of modern ferritic and ferritic- martensitic steels that are of interest to nuclear energy systems (see Klueh and Harries13 ).